04 - 09.18.2023 - Timberfall 5: Freefall
Last Session
- Time loop 4 happens, we figure out what's going on and we confront the Mage about it and then we somehow come up with a plan to try to save everyone and release everyone from the time loop
Relevant Characters: картошка | Silvanus | Nessa | The Mage
- We need a way to know when the island is 10 ft above the ground
- Use sending stones, send someone above the island to see when and then tell them
- Mage returns to the town square in order to tell the citizens that they need to strap in and whatnot
- 3 of us dragged along
- The crowd is bemused
- "We'll be entering freefall, do not panic, get into a bldg and tie urself down"
- "Our buildings are pretty stable"
- Are they?
- Mage says: "if doubt structural integrity of building, go to city hall instead"
- Nessa has one sending stone, I have the other
- Mage: I might pass out, so both of u guys put one arm in the tree, u need to control the tree
- One arm each
- Mage attaches to the rose
- Blinded by flash of light, then loud crack
- Floating now in 0G
- 2 letters fall off so the sign says "Welcome to Timefall"
- The mage collapses the tree spits him out
- The tree is angy
Round 1: (at the end of the 5th round you will hit the ground)
- Kartoshka: Casts Levitate on himself
- The tree is avoiding us now, so we need to levitate to the ceiling of the atrium to get to it
- I lasso rope at Kartoshka, Kartoshka grabs the rope
- I tie rope around myself
- The Tree: sees K. as closest threat, attack him with spikes, nat 1, attempts to leaf storm Kartoshka
- Glowing a slightly better red than before
- Nessa: Are you still there?
- "We're doin great"
- "Good luck"
- Kartoshka: Mold Earth to pull up the ground, because every action has its equal reaction, so if you pull up a mound of earth, you will push yourself down so you won't get smushed
- Me: I climb up the rope towards Kartoshka and grab his leg
- I do Dodge action
- 120 feet from the ceiling
- The Tree: attempt to surround us in a tangle of roots
- I matrix dodge them
- Kartoshka: just doesn't hit
- Round 3
- 90 feet
- The tree is pulsing brighter red
- Kartoshka: Mold Earth woot
- Me: ready action to lasso a root, push laterally off root to end up under the other root
- 45 feet
- Increasingly bright pulses, explosion up above, we were not in range
- The Tree: shoots crimson lightning, I take -14 dmg
- Round 4
- Nessa: "We'll have about 12 seconds before we hit the ground"
- Kartoshka: lassos root to put hand in
- Me: lassos root
- Tree: lighting, it misses
- Round 5
- Nessa: Somewhat panicked "you have to do it now"
- The mage's body is sparking red electricity, his eyes fly open, starts little fires on the roots
- Sole witnesses to his atrocities, so wants us to die
- Kartoshka: stick hand into tree, see island pulse in out of existence
- Me: I stick hand into tree, tree simultaneously wants you out and also wants your lifeblood
- Trying to hang onto energy
- The island just stops, and then begin slowly falling again
- We have blinked back in time
- The Mage: looks up, smiles, "you fool"
- shoots Kartoshka with a lightning bolt
- The Tree: no action(?)
- Round 6
- We crash into the ground, we are resistant to the earthquake
- The Mage takes damage
- Spikes
- 3d6 dealt, heals 1/3 of dmg dealt
- Lightning
- 4d8 damage
- Root Tangle
- 3d6 damage, makes him prone/trapped
- Explosion
- 5d8 damage, push target away, 1d12 self-damage
- Nessa: she's okay but can't get to us
- Kartoshka: Root Tangle
- He is prone on the ground, 8 dmg
- Me: Lightning, -20 dmg
- The mage is worn down
- The Mage: explodes in a burst of flames
- Flies 30 feet upwards
- Kartoshka and I hit with spikes together, in a nice little square so he can't dodge it, peppered with spikes
- The Mage: lightning beam at me, -22 damage, flies 30 feet upward (60 ft from us)
- Kartoshka and I: pull him closer with root tangle, and then exploded
- He dimension doors away the piece of shit
- I will myself from the tree, feel its dying
- Pulses of scarlet red light grow more erratic and land on the ground
- Walk out of tree, some of the bldgs were ripped up and then plummeted down
- Make it to entrance, see rope attached to tree
- Look over edge, see Nessa hanging by rope
- K. levitates her up
- It's chaos
- Find MAMCAT: for the first time in decades i wanna drink
- Wait I want to drink?
- Looks at tree and goes "oh shit"
- The rose is wilted
- Landed on a forest
- Nessa asks how we got here: fire breathing potions and stuff
- Nessa is a mermaid, has boots that create portable water to swim in
- Sees balloon flying above you
- She lowers a ladder
- What happened to Nessa?
- Nessa: I saw this island in the sky, I arrive, I see a hole in the ground, in the air there's a pitch black island, except once every hour it flashes, and I decide to go in and what could go wrong and bam I'm stuck
- Explain what happened to Andrea
- Return to Katal
- Andrea: We've successfully investigated 2 of the 3 major disappearing cities
- The third one is not even a city, it's paradoxically a..
- This information is not for anybody, we'd all be executed
- Unlocks a safe in a safe in a box with a ritual and whatnot
- 45 steps later, she pulls out an ancient looking map
- See bizarre, see one specific square which has been bleached out by a person, very faintly see the words "Military Base" very faintly
- Weird square in the ocean, feel like I've been to this place before (this or last life? I dunno)
- This seems to be what we're dealing with, there was or still is a Ke'ath military base in this location
- Even figuring out this is a disappeared town was hard because by necessity we don't know about this
- Don't ask how we found it
- K. grimaces
- The last of the major disappearances we need to investigate